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How can I rent a car with RentSmart24?
Choose the pick-up location, the rental dates and the car model that best suits your needs. Just a few clicks and your booking is confirmed.
Where can I find RentSmart24?
RentSmart24 rental offices are located at the main Italian airports and railway stations as well as in the city. Find out all the collection points here
How old do I have to be to rent a car?
The minimum age to rent a car is 19, with at least 1 year of driving license. For young people between the ages of 19 and 24, the supplement will be applied  “young driver”, equal to € 13.42 per day, chargeable for a maximum of 15 days.  However for some car models, they require expert driving, the minimum age is 25 years.
What documents do you need to rent a car?
When you collect the rental car you will need to have it with you:
  • A valid document (identity card or passport);
  • Valid driving license;
  • Nominative credit card, in the name of the owner of the reservation.
How can I pay for my rental?
RentSmart24 accepts payments with credit cards of the Visa, Mastercard, American Express circuits.
How does the car rental deductible work?
The deductible is the maximum amount you are required to pay in the event of damage or theft of the car. It varies depending on the category of the car and the insurance chosen. Its value is visible at the time of booking, before payment.
Can I rent a car by eliminating the excess?
Yes, you can minimize or even cancel your deductible by choosing our Premium coverage.
Can I cancel the reservation?
Yes, you can cancel your reservation free of charge, up to 48 hours before collection. After 48 hours, the customer service will evaluate the amount of a possible refund.
Can I change my reservation?
Yes. If your rental has not yet started, you can contact our call center on 020502 and request the change.


How do I reach the collection site?
You will find the directions to reach the RentSmart24 collection location in the booking confirmation that we will send you via e-mail, as well as in your personal area of ​​the site. For airport locations, remember to call the shuttle at the number on the booking confirmation, we will come and pick you up in a few minutes.
What happens if I arrive late at the rental location?
In case of delay in taking the car, contact the collection office, you will find the contacts in the booking confirmation.
Do I need a credit card to rent a car?
Yes, when picking up the car, a nominative credit card must be shown, in the name of the reservation holder (debit or prepaid cards will not be accepted).
Can I rent a car without a credit card?
Unfortunately not. In order to block the security deposit a registered credit card is required . & Nbsp; Cash, debit cards, debit cards, electronic cards, prepaid or rechargeable cards will not be accepted.
Can I purchase extra services?
Yes, at the RentSmart24 collection center you can purchase the following extra services: child seat, GPS, additional guide and a possible insurance upgrade.
Can I add a child seat to my rental?
Yes,   we have a wide range of child seats for children of all ages. Simply request this extra service at the collection site, paying a small surcharge.
Can I limit my liability in the event of damage to or theft of the vehicle?
Yes, by choosing our Premium coverage you can minimize or even eliminate your liability in the event of vehicle damage or theft.


Why do I have to authorize the security deposit during the car rental phase?
The security deposit is a sum of money that, at the beginning of the rental, is temporarily blocked on the credit card. This amount will then be released at the end of the rental: in this way we protect ourselves from any damage or theft.  You can minimize the security deposit by choosing our Premium coverage.
Can I change the duration of my rental?
Yes. If your rental has not yet started, you can contact our call center on 020502 and request the change. If, on the other hand, you are already traveling, we recommend that you call the collection center directly: we will modify your booking.
Can I go abroad with the rental car?
The vehicle is not authorized to circulate in a country other than: Italy, France (and Corsica), Germany, Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Vatican City, Republic of San Marino, Principality of Monaco, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Liechtenstein, England, Ireland, Luxembourg, Austria. The customer is required to communicate the expatriation and a cross broker fee of € 85.4 will be applied which will allow the contractual conditions to be maintained even abroad. In the event of non-application of the cross broker fee, all the excess provided in the contract will be not applied abroad.
Can I return the hired car in advance?
Yes, but you will be required to pay a sum corresponding to the minimum rate for the days booked.
How does the fuel policy in car rental work?
We ask you to return the car with the same level of fuel it had at the time of collection. By doing so, you will not have any surcharge when returning.
What happens if the rental car is stolen?
In the event of (total or partial) theft of the car, you will have to file a complaint with the competent authorities within 24 hours of the incident. We also ask you to promptly contact the collection office: we will help you solve the unexpected in the best possible way. Remember that you can reduce or eliminate your theft liability by choosing the Premium coverage.
What should I do in the event of a car accident with the rental car?
In the event of a minor accident (without injuries) we ask you to fill in and sign the Blue Form (formerly a friendly finding) which you must send us by email or fax within one working day to the collection site; For any doubts, contact the collection office: we will help you resolve the emergency in the best possible way.
What should I do in the event of a car accident with injuries?
  • First, keep calm and secure the vehicle and passengers;
  • Call 112 and wait for the ambulance to intervene;
  • Contact the authority, so that it can make all the necessary findings;
  • If the vehicle is no longer usable, contact roadside assistance (you will find the number in the rental agreement);
  • Contact the collection office:   we will help you solve the emergency in the best possible way.
What happens if I get a fine with a rental car?
If you get a fine, we will re-notify the report by providing your data to the authorities. You will be charged for the expenses for handling the case. We will send you the relevant report by e-mail, to allow you to check the contents.


What happens if I return the rental car late?
In the event of a delay in returning the car, contact the collection office, you will find the contacts in the booking confirmation and in the rental agreement. Remember that after 30 minutes an extra day can be applied.
How is any damage to the rental vehicle handled?
During the delivery of the car, we check the condition of the car with you, certifying it in the contract. If there are new damages on return, you will be charged according to the deductible selected at the time of booking.
